Monday, August 24, 2009

Week Aheads

I am clocking out to go to bed. The excavator is being delivered tomorrow. Grandpa is digging out the hole, we're going to pour the footing, then lay blocks for our foundation, drainage, dig the lines to the well- put the sill and decking on, and then that'll be that for a little. Of course, not all in one day.
I spent part of the day making calls to time out transportation of the excavator, ordering the blocks, trying to get hold of a transit level/laser, etc. and the last few hours cutting out the rest of the driveway, and the rest of the trees that need to go before the house gets in. Mowed around the well with the DR brush, and cut more Birch. Moved the hens into the pumpkin patch that was harrowed under. I figured that was a good move. I can leave the hens in that area for the next week, really fertilize it, and not worry about any hovering of the field. Broilers are good down to 90.

So behind for the next week or so until the cellar is done. Excited about getting that started/done and the learning in between.
Very excited about farm ending this season. Cover cropping looks great, getting final fertility by rapidly moving broilers. Enjoying the grass based farm. Looking forward to more brush clearing later in fall. Replacing brush with berries next year

whose purr sounds like
stereo in between frequencies
Bathed in the sunbeam of a day
so young it is dying

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