Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Spring Go Away- Come Back Another Day

I am not ready for spring. I am behind with work, and trying to get caught up during my mornings and my weekend day. The baby chicks are no longer baby chicks, and now completely utilize the barn stall. They need space- but do to a barn cat my wife loves..... Solution- I am going to quickly put up a portion of the tomato house from last year for the chickens. Then cut through the wall between the two barn stalls and give the pullets both stalls. Problem one done.

Problem two- not going to have time to cut out brush along field before everything leafs out. Solution- Wait until leaves fall year.

Problem three- Need to work on that house project.

I did get into two hives on Saturday before we headed down to CT for a wedding. I smelled like smoke for a pleasant four hour drive. My hive is doing wonderfully. Full of bees, plenty of brood started, a lot of pollen stores, and tons of honey in the two deeps, and an almost completely full medium super. I am going to take the medium off when I get my new bees and give them a head start with it. I reversed the brood box on my hive. Then went over to neighbor's house and checked out his hive. His is also strong- Italians. I had a mixed hive, but a Carniolan Queen. I reversed his. He had a lot of burr comb. It took a while to pry apart the two deeps.

Baby bunnies galore. Need to keep breeding them. Rabbits are getting into a better/more humane/loving settup. I am glad I tried the community pen, and will revert back to that later.

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