Sunday, November 15, 2009


Today was gorgeous. Yesterday was Karma. I figure that event put me and the Universe back at zero- so we're even.

Finished the chicken coop in the barn today. Most of the pullets are in there now. Moved the camper trailer up to the house site as an equipment trailer. Took apart the hoop house.

Neighbor's daughter came over to see a milking tonight. I showed her both machine and hand milking, but forgot how difficult milking by hand can be the first time. Our ability to become dexterous is amazing. I can put my hands on a teet and the milk comes flying out. She kept squeezing and squeezing and got a squirt here and there. I did mention that it took me about a week to learn how to milk. But was very much fun showing someone else the cows. I was surprised at their perspective of the cows- I stand over them and just push them with my hip if I want to shove them over. She stood at their rib cages and thought they were gi-normous.

(I thought I should mention my computer just mentioned that my virus database has been updated...)

Just thought of Mezzotints and will be lost now ooing and awwing the web though it is much more fun with Nick gallery hopping...

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