Saturday, May 23, 2009

The bun-buns are happy tonight. Cutting grass with a hand scythe is a blissful way to end a long day.

Today, Zac and I planted asparagus root stalk right behind the barn. Zac is at ease with his tractor he knows many important things about it: how to get it to move forward, how to put it in reverse, how to drop the doohicky that lowers the harrows, and how to stop the thing!
Me? Not so much. haha But I got on it anyway and tried my hand at harrowing. I wish I had a picture of the outcome to show all of you, but right there next to Zac's beautiful straight rows was a wiggly wobbly, caddywhompus "row". Apparently you have to go at a certain speed in order to get the grass to flop over. Oh well :) shovels work great.
We also had fun when we tried to stick the plow onto the tractor. Once again I took a seat on the tractor. This time I got to put it in reverse! I won't say much about this escapade, but I am glad that Zac has quick reflexes! (and a great deal of patience, he is a wonderful man)

1 comment:

  1. Love your stories. So much being done. Will I recognize the place when I get back?
