Sunday, May 10, 2009


One of my co-workers had a kitty who had kittens two months ago. Well, they were fine with a couple of the kittens becoming barn kitties and let us pick a couple out. So we did, and are excited/happy to have our new future mousers on the farm.

We made a safety spot for them in one of the stalls. Unfortunately they are much bigger then when we first saw the kittens. Long story short the spot I thought would contain them doesn't. So we have a large pet carrier they are staying in when we are not there, and let them run about when we are. After a week we'll just get rid of the carrier, but want to ensure that they know the barn is they're new home first. They fell in love with the blankets, and spent all day yesterday sleeping and cleaning themselves on them.

They are the first pets in our marriage. Of all the animals we have had none of them were really pets. All the pigs, chickens, etc. have a potential date of sale or processing- so it is really nice having something we can cuddle, and see grow with us on the farm.

I'll stop kitty talking now- I do have a bit of work to do-like building application, ordering in greenhouse film, more cutting. A farmer friend Two Mountain Farm gave some good advice when I mentioned I wouldn't get much work done yesterday because of the kittens. She said that they are "soul work" and I couldn't agree more. Feel refreshed.

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