Thursday, May 14, 2009


My dad came in two days ago to give me a hand with the house/farm for a few weeks. Yesterday we spread 4 loads of well composted sheep manure onto the field/garden. Later that day I finished harrowing up the garden.

Today we cut out more of the back field, transferred some items from grandpa's farm to the new one. An order of chicks came in a day early which threw me off a bit. Anyways, we planted the potatoes! First thing in the garden this year. 1050 row feet of the tuberous buggers. Tomorrow I am going to play a quick gamble with some beans, and Marianne is going to harden off some cool weather crops and we'll drop them outside.

My ladies have been staying in better. The car battery I had hooked up to the mobile charger was weak- I went ahead and hooked up the big boy charger that puts out 20,000 volts. Long story short my ladies feel quite content at home. I ran the main line onto the ground- so the charger is actually only putting out 11k, which is a little nicer for the girls to retrain them to the fence.

I sat down for about 20 minutes the other day trying to see what they ate first when I moved them onto new pasture. Unfortunately I had just fed them so most we not interested in coming onto the new pasture. I noticed one hen ferociously eating a clover, but another was just pecking on a blade of grass. Nothing definetive, but it was fun to lay down and have the ladies walk across me on their little pasture grazing strolls.

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